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Expensive Hesitation

I was standing outside the door and about to knock when I heard my mother crying inside. I knocked twice wishing everything would be fine inside.
Dada came to the door. I did not have the courage to go into the living room, so I went to my room. But Mamu and Baba were there and Dada joined them. I saw my cigarettes in front of them.
Baba asked angrily, "What is this?"
I was speechless. Mamu started crying. Baba asked again,"What is this, son?" I remained silent.
Then Dada kicked me and shouted,"Answer the question, idiot."
I had no answer. Baba asked again. I decided to beg for forgiveness but Dada started beating me. I kicked him too.
In no time we were fighting. Baba tried to stop us but we didn't. Then i saw Baba lying on the floor. He had suffered a heart attack.
At the hospital the doctor came and asked, "Are you his children? Have you done Bratamandha?"
It was then I questioned myself why i had hesitated to say 'no' when my friends asked me to smoke.
(This is only a FICTION. And is not a real story)


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