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The Second Mouse

I rewind; it again appeared. I paused it, clicking the left part of the mouse. I kept quite for sometime. I was not only silent but was also thinking. Then i jumped to grab my note book for 'Quotes' which was above the study table. I unpaused it again clicking the left part of the mouse and started noting down the dialogue as fast as I could.
"Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out."
"Don't be angry but I'd just called to remind you that your fiction is not published in today’s fiction park," Nick had embarrassed me last Sunday.
Baba suddenly came to my room. I felt as if i fell off the roof of a building. I immediately minimized the movie and maximized ''.
Most of the time, I hate watching movies, especially English with my parents. Movies will seem offensive for them - Kissing and cuddling, wearing Bikinis though all seem common nowadays.
'What are you doing in the computer?' Baba asked.
"Just browsing through essays and fictions," I answered, decreasing the volume of movie which was coming from two point one digital surrounding woofer.
"Ok! But don't watch movies and try to increase your vocabulary," Baba said. I think Baba has something more to say but I interrupted him and said 'Amm.. Ok!.. I'm trying my level best and opened Barron's SAT book which was above the computer table.
"Abate: subside; decrease, lessen. Abridge: condense or shorten. Abstemious: sparing in eating and drinking; temperate. Abstract: theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational. Abstruse: obscure; profound; difficult to understand.....," I started to mug-up 'High Frequency World List' with my mind obsessed with Baba. He left the room saying nothing. After few minutes, he again came to my room and said "I'm going out for sometime, keep studying and don't go out".
"Bye Baba," I said.
I felt relaxed. I am sure if Baba had known that I had been watching a movie, he would have scolded me. Movies have been incriminated from Baba for spoiling my examination. Thanking god, I moved towards the door to close it. As, I closed the door, I felt like some sound was coming from my computer. Later, I noticed it was UPS beeping after the load shedding.
I looked my watch, it was sharp nine.
Nine, I can remember I had started writing fictions since when I was in grade nine. From my childhood, I had been interested in stories, especially in arts and literature. My small hands used to write lengthy stories. I can remember the day of 'Story Competition' in class ten, I had written about the consequences of smoking in dramatic way making fiction.
"I am fade off by Intermittent power supply. Even, schedule from 'Nepal Electricity Authority' doesn't work," I thought. I felt homicide. I felt angry. I felt depressed, rude and nervy. But, what could i do, I had no option despite closing the computer.
Clicking the left part of mouse in 'Start Menu', I pushed my mouse towards 'Shutdown' and again clicked same part. I heard the music and later 'Window is shutting down' appeared. After a minute, Computer turned off and I closed off the UPS.
I then just laid on my bed and kept music player 'On' of my mobile. 'This Cocaine makes me feel like I'm on this song' of System of a Down started playing. I increased the volume and started singing as in the song.
Before thirteen, I didn’t use to listen English songs but now I promise I want to listen only English songs - especially Heavy metal and Death metal. I am fan of System of a Down, Creed, Children of Bodom, Metallic, Pink Floyd, Cradle of Filth, Guns n Roses and other metal bands. I started to listen 'Akons' song first of all but now I didn't like his much. I didn't like Hip Hops much.
'Master of Puppets' ranged in my cell phone. It was my ring tone. I hurried to see who it was. Gosh! Nick again.
"I am afraid, this time also he may tease me," I thought in dilemma - whether to pick up the call or not. I felt sad. I decided to argue with him.
"I can't bear torcher of any kind. What if not my fiction is not published, I've at least tried," i again thought.
Harry Oliver once said, “Only a fool argues with a skunk, a mule or the cook." Then I thought,"Let the world say whatever they want, I'll ignore them all." I decided 'Not To' argue with him. I ignored him. I didn't picked up my cell phone.
Again the music of 'This Cocaine makes me feel like I'm on this song' started playing from somewhere between. I paused it and switched off my cell phone.
I know if I had picked up mobile, Nick would just start with the causal conversation and later attack me into embarrassment. "I'd just called to remind you that your fiction is not published in today’s Fiction Park also." Why does Nick always want to mock me? I don't understand.
I wanted to cry extremely like a child. But I couldn't do so. "Men should not cry," says Baba.
"Why my fictions are not published in Fiction Park," I always wonder. I had no answer.
Suddenly, I noticed my note book, which was above my computer table. I grabbed it - it was half open. I gave a glance to few quotes in that page. The dialogue from super hit movie with duel superstars - Tom Hanks and Leonardo Dicapro, "Catch Me If You Can," was also there as a lastly written quote.
I again read that written dialogue on my quote book. I tried to understand it and relate it to my life. I felt like I have got my answer. I felt like, I have found the tools to console myself. I felt like I have got a new life to live in.
And, I decided to be the second mouse.


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