the things he said were discussed two months before, it was reasonable to talk
at that time. His saying made most of us to think once again.
August 12, 2012, we youths from different background had organized a program
called “Youths, who we are!” in the occasion of International Youth Day.
Despite the fact that, two of the organization named ‘We’ for Change and
Aarambha had organized the program, it didn’t seemed mature and professional
enough. The program consisted more of ‘Fun’, ‘Freelance’, ‘Expression of
thought’ and ‘breaking the barriers of Creativity’. Especially, program was
focused on “Youth thought”, what they think about themselves, what other thinks
about them and what they are capable of doing.
Students from three different schools had participated in
that program. Probably they may be the best student of their school but with
respect their thought should be appreciated. Students seemed more competitive
and challenging to one another. Even Though, we had already clarified them that
it was not a competition, they were trying to show their existence and prove
that they are the best one. Anyway, the healthy argument between them made the
program excellent.
‘Now the time has come to act, do action and make change in
our country. Awareness level had reached to the top”, one of my friend said in
the sharing of the day in ‘Palpa Camp’. We social worker has one good habit of
evaluation. That day’s evaluation was different than ever. By above mention statement, my friend was
referring to another friend’s statement in day time. ‘Extra Marital Affair is
bad’, “Sex without precautions brings diseases’, ‘Husband and Wife should not
fight’, ‘Drugs and Alcohols kills’ were some of the answer given by children
around 7/8 years old, of our question, “What lesson did you learned from this
Puppet Show?” Then my friend had said “See children are so much aware, even in
this rural area. Now, the only giving awareness is not solution. It is time for
Similarly, also in the Evaluation program of “Youths, who we
are!” we had reached in conclusion that about ‘Awareness level of those youths
was high enough. They were above than our perception towards them. Their
creativity are still kept in ‘We’ for Change office and sometime, even today we
discuss about that program and appreciate them. However, that program was
successful to illustrate people’s awareness level in Nepal.
These two events in two months gap of my life really made me
to think and made me to write. I don’t know what I am writing but by this
writing I just want to encourage social worker, social activist and social
engineers to think critically about the peoples need in Nepal. I think we are
still in confusion, and following the western culture of Change and still
walking for awareness program. But, it is scientifically proved that
‘Indigenous knowledge’ is best for social transformation and now with awareness
we should be able to do something productive which in one way or other be
helpful for needy people.
But, if we will still run only awareness programs then it will be our big mistake. Motherland will not forgive
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