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13,860,000,000,000,000,000,000 liters

‘water water everywhere, only if we share’: World Water Day 2013.
Water, what a simple word to pronounce? But, it is not simple as it sounds. It is crucial aspect of this universe. Every living being need water to live, some may need it frequently whereas some may need it in long time gap. But, the importance of water is same, same as before and will not be replaced by any other things. Humans are extremely connected to water that it is needed for each and every purpose. From our birth to death and starting form morning till we go to sleep, we are using water for different purpose. Actually, 70% of human body consists of water which clearly shows that no human life is possible without water.
Talking about the source of water it can be divided into three types, Ground, Surface and Rain, where ‘Ground water’ symbolizes to different kinds of wells and pump water, ‘Surface Water’ symbolizes to Glaciers, lakes, rivers, ponds, stone spouts and oceans, and ‘Rain Water refers to the water drop that falls from sky. Among the total water found in this universe through these and other various sources, only 10% is feasible for humans, thus, though almost 2/3 part of world consist of water, today also scarcity of water is faced by millions of people.  Therefore, It is said that ‘If the fourth world war will be fought then it will be for ‘Fresh Water’’.
It is vital task for humans to act for utilization of water proper. There should also be equal distribution of water among the humans. Managed urbanization and responsible environmental behavior among the people assist to the solution of water scarcity. Before, doing anything else, first of all it is very essential to people to be unite and work together for the better ‘Water Future’.  


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