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Remembering the terrible day !

Baishakh 12 (April 25), this day will always be remembered by all the Nepali people around the globe. Last year in this very day 7.8 magnitude of earthquake and its after shock later on, took lives of 9000+ individuals whereas destroyed the infrastructures terribly of Nepal. 
4 things to do on the remembrance of this day !!
1. Instead of holiday, it should be volunteering day and each citizens should join hand in hand to rebuild the demolished structures. 
2. To heal the wound of grieving family - assistance should be provided in local level not only from government but also from community and individual people, Assistance not necessarily have to be related with finance and resources but also can be psychological support.
3. Everyone specially children and youths should be involved in 'Earthquake drill' so that they practice the technique to save themselves and their community in such disastrous situation in future.
4. Lighting diyo (Candling) at evening will be a good idea to bring everyone together. This will not only be a remembrance for the lost soul but also builds hope for tomorrow. 


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